>Hi! I'm Manuel Bayona

Backend Developer

I'm a Backend Developer with experience in Python specifically using frameworks such as Django/ DRF and Flask with knowledge in construction/consumption of API's. In addition I have basic experience in the front-end using HTML and CSS along with JavaScript, also I handle Git and Docker and actually specializing in AWS.


>About Me:

Currently I am an Electronic Engineering student with knowledge in the area of backend development and these are some of the languages that I handle and use:

HTML5 and CSS3



Python django-flask



>And tools like:

Git Docker

>Some Projects that I made:

Projects wiht Django

Portfolio with some of my projects created using the Django framework, among these is the creation of a blog, a password generator as well as an e-commerce with payment gateways, a clon of Reddit and others ideas.

Python (Django) | HTML | CSS

Simple Pokemon Wiki

A small project based on Flask making illusion to a Wiki where several requests are made to a public Pokémon API so that the user can see different information about Species, objects, movements and/or rarities.

Python (Flask) | HTML | CSS

Typewriter Effect

Blink effect done when I was just starting to practice HTML and CSS. (With which was used on this page.)


.CSV Files

Small program in which its main function is to be a notepad generating files in .CSV format which they will store the data entered by the user (as a DB) when they are registered by the console.


ToDo List

Simple page using Flask and connecting to a SQL DB (PostgreSQL) that recreates a list of tasks to do and allows the user to manage their tasks.

Python (Flask) | HTML | CSS

Django Rest Framework

Repository with Projects in which I have built several API's using DRF and in conjunction with virtual environments.

Python (Django)